Prof. Andi Hakim Nasoetion (Rektor IPB 1978-1986) is a man of idea and action. He thinks 20-30 years from now. When he became a Rector of IPB in 1978, his Proposal: Membangun ilmu-ilmu yang langka He said, we need to develop IPB as a trend setter of rare sciences. Although IPB is basically agriculture, but we need to understand that agriculture is indoor and outdoor sciences hence must be strong in basic sciences as well as applied sciences. In the same time we had to widen our horizon in relation to humanity, health, nutrinion, and future technologies. He then developed FSM (Fak Sains dan Matematika) in 1979. This Faculty is the fondation of FMIPA IPB in 1982 (due to regulation the nomenclature might be changed to MIPA).
His thought on IPB future was published in full length opinion of Kompas entitled : IPB Menuju Tahun 2000. We can imagine how far his thinking, around 20 years. In the paper he mentioned that IPB needs to develop science related to psychology, human ecology, modern agriculture technologies, mathematics, statistics, strong analytical skill, environtment, food and nutrition, policy analysis, management, emerging disease, computer science, communication, community development, etc. Then IPB must be strong in basic natural sciences as well as social sciences. At the end of his paper he wrote maka dari itu kita akan menemukan ilmu-ilmu yang tidak ada di Indonesia, tetapi ada di IPB
One week after his thought appeared in Kompas, his student wrote in Panji Masyarakat, entitled Jawaban Mahasiswa Terhadap tantangan IPB tahun 2000. His student name is Asep Saefuddin.
Asep Saefuddin (Rektor Universitas Al-azhar Indonesia/Guru Besar Statistika IPB)
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