The loss of adab, especially adab in seeking knowledge, once caused the fall of Islamic civilization so that it was controlled by the enemies of Islam. This statement was made by Ust. M. Reza Prima Matondang, ME., Lecturer in Zakat and Waqf Management, Faculty of Islamic Religion, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta (FAI UMJ) as a guest speaker in the Turas Study in the meeting room on the second floor of the FAI I Building, on Thursday (11/11). The activity which was held in a hybrid manner discussed the book Ta’lim al-Muta’allim in Thariq al-Ta’allum written by Imam al-Zarnuji, a well-known reference book on learning that is commonly used in Islamic boarding schools.
In this initial study, Ust Reza reviewed in general the contents of the book Ta’lim al-Muta’llim, including the urgency of knowledge and respect for teachers, including quoting Imam al-Zarnuji. “The virtue of knowledge is known to everyone because knowledge is a human specialty. Other things, such as courage, strength, and compassion, are owned by non-humans (animals). But knowledge is only owned by humans.
Further, St. Reza discussed respect for teachers. According to him, the way to respect knowledge is to glorify the expert (teacher). This can be realized as not walking in front of him, not occupying his place, not speaking ahead of him, and also not saying much in front of him.

Ta’lim al-Muta’allim fi Thariq al-Ta’allum (Teaching for Learners on How to Learn)
This inaugural Islamic classic turas or treasury study received full support from the Dean of FAI, Dr. Sopa, M.Ag. “I welcome this activity, because it can become a distinction for UMJ from other universities. This activity, apart from being able to be attended by lecturers, can also be attended by students for their Certificate of Accompanying their Diplomas,” said Sopa.
FAI Deputy Dean I, Busahdiar, MA in his speech said the purpose of this activity was to revive the study of turas (often called the yellow book) and also to strengthen the tool (reading the book). “The contemporary studies that we have carried out so far need to be strengthened by looking at the original book,” added Busahdiar.
The activity which started at 19.30 WIB and ended at 21.30 WIB was attended by lecturers who enthusiastically agreed to continue this study on a regular basis, with different sources and turas books (HD / FAI).
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